Researching emerging technologies and international relations. Translating technology into policy, and policy into technology.

About Dr. Alexi Drew


Alexi Drew is a Technology Policy Adviser at the International Committee of the Red Cross, based in the London Delegation. Her most recent other positions include senior analyst in Defence, Security, and Infrastructure at RAND Europe, a research analyst at The Policy Institute (King's College London), and an associate at the Centre for Science and Security Studies (CSSS) at King’s, and the Global Network on Extremism and Technology (GNET).

Her work focuses upon emerging technologies, the international norms surrounding them, and their impact upon international relations and geopolitics.

Alexi is an adviser for the Women in International Security (WIIS) UK Chapter, a member of the advisory board for Minorities in Peace and Security (MiPS), and a mentor for Girl Security.

She is currently the Policy Officer of the Political Studies Association (PSA) special group on Technology and Internet Policy as well as being a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, and a member of the Chartered Institute for IT or British Computing Society.

She has a specific interest in information operations, platform governance, arms control, algorithmic power, cyber security, and artificial intelligence. She blames her career path on too much Star Trek while growing up.



Research Papers

Exploring Research Engagement with China: Opportunities and Challenges - RAND Europe

Dueling Information Campaigns: The War Over the Narrative in Tigray - The Technology and Social Change Project: Harvard

Escalation by Tweet: Managing the new nuclear diplomacy - The Centre for Science and Security Studies: King's College London

Rising to the China Challenge - The Policy Institute: King’s College London

Collect it all: GCHQ and mass surveillance - Open Rights Group


Book Chapters

Sending a Message: The Primacy of Action as Communication in Cybersecurity - Dutton, W. (Ed.), A Research Agenda for Digital Politics


In the Media



Facebook and Twitter Block Trump - BBC Radio 4 Tech Tent

Free Speech vs The Big Lie - Angry Planet (Reuters)

The great Twitter hack - BBC Radio 4 Tech Tent

Rip-Off Britain - BBC

Twitter Hack - Channel 5 News

Grote Twitter-hack - Nieuwsuur


 Associations & Membership

WIIS UK Advisory Board

Minorities in Peace & Security Advisory Board

Girl Security Mentor

Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts

